Let’s start

It is time to start, to put perfection aside and just try to do it. I have waited way too long  – a few years actually, to set up this platform and we have waited way too long to take the first step in starting our own office. It has been clear to my husband and me that we want to be our bosses even before we met, but after finishing the university, we just got employed as anyone else. You cannot start your own business before you get some experience in the field, right? But how do you decide, that it is already enough when there is always something else to learn. I am glad for that, life would get boring very soon if there were nothing more to discover, but Aristotle was right when he said “The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.”  And it is a scary thing to go into the unknown, especially when it seems to constantly expand. Plus there is never enough time, never the right moment.

Today, for the first time, we decided to take an opportunity, although it seems rather impossible to manage timewise. But we cannot keep refusing chances that come, and there will never be enough time unless we make time. So, although the timing almost couldn’t be worse, we look forward to rolling up our sleeves and trying.


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